Monday, June 14, 2010

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Whiskas Cat Food Whiskas Cat Food

Balanced and animal feeding Whiskas cat food

Which friend does not know cats Whiskas cat food? The company is not least due to a high presence in advertising, whether television, radio, newspapers or magazines, one of the best known brands of pet food. Whiskas is known for its high quality and the breadth of the offered product range.

The company strives for the development and manufacture of various products is not restricted to using a high-quality ingredients, but also a good damage-processing must be ensured. In terms of ingredients, it is naturally primary importance to take into account all nutritional components that are important for a healthy diet of cats.

this purpose, a sufficient amount of counts of animal proteins, an adequate level of fat of animal origin - meat or fish, and the recommended volume of minerals, fatty acids, vitamins and natural carbohydrates. To meet the specific nutritional needs of different age meet, there are many foods in the variants Junior, Adult and Senior. Junior is recommended as the name implies, especially for young cats from zero to 12 months, Adult for adult and senior for older animals.

Whiskas Cat food in cans and sachets are

Whiskas cat food come in a variety of packaging units to ensure that every cat-lover in purchasing, storage and portioning of food for him, finds the optimal solution. There is the food in sachets, in trays, boxes and bags as well as in the form of snacks. With most often be bought Whiskas cans, are the wet food in a large number of different variations in sizes of 195 and 400 grams, as well as in versions Junior, Adult and Senior.

There are not only different flavors, but also designs, such as pate, terrine and sauce. Typical flavors include duck and chicken, poultry, veal and turkey, beef and lamb or rabbit. The wet food cans are made on the basis of fresh meat or natural fish, the quality is so high that it is unnecessary, the addition of artificial flavorings. There

Whiskas cat food in sachets are available in the Adult version for cats, bio, Junior and Senior. The variants of the Division consist of organic meat comes from organic production, while junior or senior is suitable for the particular needs of young or older cats.

The sachets contain the amount of food, which is exactly a Meal is. This makes it unnecessary to food residues left at a meal, kept in the refrigerator. And the sachets have the further advantage that one can give the cat at each meal another court. Especially the latter will inspire many cats. A particular variant is called the "mmmmm" and contains all the meat or fish pieces. "Mmmmm" Portion Bags are available in the variants sardines, tuna, chicken, beef, poultry and lamb.

Whiskas dry food and Whiskas cat food bowls

Whiskas dry food is characterized by balanced taste, good ingredients and ease of use from. Many different ingredients, especially high-quality meat and vegetables are used in its manufacture. The important thing is above all the vitamins, natural oils and selected minerals.

Even when Whiskas dry food and the taste is so good that no artificial flavors need to be used. And with Dental Protection Plus contains the food, components that are important for dental health of cats. Dry food is available in many different flavor combinations in the variants Adult, Junior and Senior.

is known that feed providers especially for cat food in bowls. The capacity is in der Variante Adult 100 Gramm. Beim Inhalt aller Schalen handelt es sich um dampfgegartes Futter, das in den Varianten drei Sorten Geflügel, Ente, Forelle, Hase, Rind und Thunfisch erhältlich ist. Die Schale Junior hat ebenfalls eine Füllmenge von 100 Gramm und ist als Terrine in der Geschmacksrichtung Kalb und Geflügel erhältlich.

Die Schale Senior gibt es mit 100 Gramm in den Ausführungen Rind und Kaninchen beziehungsweise zartes Geflügel. Die Whiskas Schale Sensitive hat eine Füllmenge von 100 Gramm, enthält pures Hühnerfleisch, und empfiehlt sich für Katzen mit einem sensiblen Magen.  Mit einem derartig großen Angebot an Whiskas Katzenfutter kann sich jeder Katzenfreund aus einer breiten Selection operate.

Latest products can be found here:
Whiskas cat food

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