Monday, June 14, 2010

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good cat food: A good cat food

good cat food and the right choice between wet food and dry food

Finding a good cat food is important for any cat owner, but the correct choice and in particular the choice between wet food and dry food should be carefully considered. To get a suitable cat for your own best food, you should pay attention to the preferences of the animal.

Even the lives of the cat and in particular whether it is a lot of traveling outdoors, or staying only in flat or house is to choose the right diet to be considered. And of course, must decide whether to feed the cat, both with dry food and wet food or with a combination of both.

good cat food and the advantages or disadvantages of dry food

was first told that, contrary to what some people believe, are also good cat food in the form of dry food. In particular, well-known brand manufacturers such as Royal Canin Whiskas or offer products in which both the selection of ingredients, as well as the compilation and preparation is the quality factor devoted considerable attention.

A known disadvantage of dry food is the low water content, as is already implied in the name of that food. The water content in dry food usually does not exceed ten percent and is very low. Especially considering that cats normally meet their fluid needs by eating their prey in full and no more liquid must also eat. This is also not surprising if one considers that, for example, mice have a water content of 70 percent in their bodies.

Provides you cats have all or a substantial part of dry food, so care must be taken that the animal takes in addition to the diet nor a sufficient amount of fluid. For this purpose there is in stores and on the internet nice cups from which the animals can drink water. If the fluid intake of a period of low threat, cat health problems. For example, in the form of bladder stones, kidney stones and damage in the digestive tract and excretion.

advantages and disadvantages of wet food

A disadvantage of wet food is obvious: it is expensive to feed a cat with it, as the cups must be kept clean. Also it has a much shorter shelf life than dry food, so that this can not be bought in such large quantities and on such a long time for stock.

compared to dry food but it has a considerably higher water content, resulting in insufficient feeding in the Most animals no longer necessary, that the cat covers its fluid requirements through additional drinking. The water content of wet food moves from 70 to 80 percent and is thus on the values that have the prey of the cats.

A disadvantage of wet food is the fact that this is usually more expensive than dry food. This is primarily due to higher costs in production and in part by the high costs resulting from the use of selected foods, but have to conclude that good cat food can be considered very often as a wet feed.

Latest products can be found here:
good cat food

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