The right dog food by dog food test found
It is not always easy for consumers to find, despite dog food test the perfect fodder for his four-legged friend, there are many offers on the current market is. These differ both in terms of price and quality, and on average, use the main food components as well as supplementary food items.
Every dog owner ask of course, what dog food is now right for the favorite is. Every dog, especially a physically active with lots of exercise sufficient energy base needed in the form of nutritious dog food. As people so even dogs have their own taste. Some prefer dry food, others prefer wet food, in other words, canned food.
Proper nutrition and dog food test
It is recommended to respect the fact that dog food the four-legged friend can tolerate, because there are dogs in which certain food immediately leads to a stomach or intestinal upset. Since, in the course of time the your dog gets to know well, it is easy to determine what dog food tastes by what feed ingredients that best.
working should be observed particularly well in the food: Is the composition to one side, then it may cause the dog to deficiency symptoms. This may take longer can the dog will even be seriously ill. As can be seen in a dog food test, is the best food from the flesh and vegetable as well as nutrients. There are different versions for puppies and young dogs, for adult dogs as well as for elderly people.
With age the dog needs less protein than in previous Stages of life, especially as puppies was the case. If you are unsure of the right to dog food for your dog, then why not make even a visit to the vet and ask him. The doctor and many tests will tell you which dog food is right for you.
ingredients of dog food and dog food test
Stiftung Warentest has more than 26 dry foods, including 15 varieties for adult dogs and eleven varieties with no age restriction. While some species were assessed but unfortunately unsatisfactory. Despite the recommendation for ages occurred in five products for a calcium surplus for puppies, which in large dogs skeletal damage can cause. Furthermore, it was observed in tests of dog food that other ingredients were dosed too low, such as vitamin A and E, phosphorus, and linoleic acid.
High prices in the dog food test
Many pet owners buy organic feed for your favorite and the Stiftung Warentest found in this dog food again defects. Often costs as a daily ration of organic feed for a dog 85-93 cents, not must, can it also be good cheap dog food. In the retail example, there are places like dog food "Gerodog" which has been rated as "good" in dog food reviews and only cost 18 cents per daily ration.
Another example is available at retail, "Domino", which consists of whole grain stocks such as beef, poultry, corn and grain, and a score of "very good". In summary, it can be stated that one should take as a consumer and animal lovers not just the preferences of your dog in terms of food. Rather, it is recommended that a dog food reading test to determine what specific advantages and disadvantages of each product.
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