dogs eat healthy with Select Gold happy dog food
Many dog lovers and dog owners are Select Gold Dog Food very popular. Under this name, there are not only pet food for dogs, but also for cats. The company is trying to satisfy a specific content of the feed composition to the specific needs of dogs in different stages of life.
Target, based in Krefeld Select Gold Premium Pet Food GmbH is to make both the substances and their combination and distribution of content such that it optimally to a dog with a certain age, physical activity, and of course race is voted. Select Gold dog food is characterized by the use of high-quality raw materials, as gently as possible be processed.
Select Gold dog food for different age groups of dogs
The food contains important minerals to support the muscle, bone and tooth development. The dental care of the dog serves the external form, in which some Select Gold dry food are available. Select Gold was known, not least through the development of dog food that meets the needs of selected age groups. So there is, for example, Select Gold Junior for puppies.
Special ingredients stimulate the natural elimination of the hair and other substances such as methionine is used to prevent the formation of urinary stones. Plant fibers and fiber to support intestinal flora. In obese dogs, we recommend the variety Select Gold Light which convinces extra added vitamin E and a very balanced selection of feed ingredients. Provide high-quality proteins in older animals for muscle maintenance. The information contained mussel extracts are used to support cartilage and joint development.
known varieties of Select Gold Dog Food
The large number of different varieties of Select Gold dog food, which are commercially available gives dog lovers the opportunity to find the needs of their dog as well as possible suitable food. Shall recommend, for example, The variety " Select Gold Junior " as high-quality dry food for puppies, and there are two different versions: A big one for puppy dogs, called "Select Gold Junior Maxi" and one for smaller dogs, under the name "Select Gold Junior Mini "is available.
is known particularly Select Gold Adult , a dry food with a very wide range of ingredients that will ensure a balanced diet of the dog. Many dog owners report that this dog food is easily digested and the four-legged friends also tastes good. Sufficient amounts of crude protein and crude fat provide a good volume and provide the vitamins, trace elements and additives, the dog important food components. Available again, this dog food for large dogs under the name "Select Gold Adult Maxi" and for small dogs, called "Select Gold Adult Mini".
other varieties, which enjoy a high reputation in the market, Select Gold Sensitive are available in "Select Gold Sensitive Junior" and "Select Gold Sensitive Adult," both in turn both for small dogs ("Mini") and Now for large dogs ("Maxi") are. Select Gold Sensitive is especially suitable for Dogs that suffer from allergies or food intolerances, variously referred to as food intolerances. Also for pregnant and lactating females in this Select Gold dog food is special.
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Select Gold Dog Food
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