After I met yesterday the same early in the morning with a friend to learning, we walked a bit and have finally eaten in a large department store for lunch. Japanese department stores are very convenient in this regard, since many Käufhäuser have the top two or three floors fully provided for restaurants, so that a large Selection is that you can also record and report in passing because many dishes are plastic replica in the display cases. After the meal we are only by chance another floor went deeper, in which I then discovered an Ikebana exhibition.
I had a few years ago schonmal seen such an exhibition, it had me very impressed. Therefore, I rushed even now gladly leave it. This time, however, should be 800 yen entrance fee, so we bent a little - I have more, my company less - turned around again. But the ladies who had canceled the card, apparently so pleased that young, foreign People (I think the "young" plays an equal role) as the charging the exhibition that one of the ladies are called back to us from their quota of free tickets, which they had apparently received as co large quickly gave two tickets. The exhibition was very nice. The girlfriend was rather less enthusiastic, but had since we met our learning together already, we could then say goodbye for a Japanese fast tour of one another and I'm on a second tour as a bekloppter Volltouri properly taken many photos.
I had a few years ago schonmal seen such an exhibition, it had me very impressed. Therefore, I rushed even now gladly leave it. This time, however, should be 800 yen entrance fee, so we bent a little - I have more, my company less - turned around again. But the ladies who had canceled the card, apparently so pleased that young, foreign People (I think the "young" plays an equal role) as the charging the exhibition that one of the ladies are called back to us from their quota of free tickets, which they had apparently received as co large quickly gave two tickets. The exhibition was very nice. The girlfriend was rather less enthusiastic, but had since we met our learning together already, we could then say goodbye for a Japanese fast tour of one another and I'm on a second tour as a bekloppter Volltouri properly taken many photos.
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