Sunday, October 11, 2009

Herpes Infection In Two Places At Once

Vienna - Munich - Berlin

Saturday. I'm sitting in the car.
The trip to Vienna took 10 hours. Back I have divided them and made a stop in Munich to meet my sister. In Berlin we have not really missed that, but now that some 100 miles are between us, I was happy to see them. Munich is nice, but small and therefore in the center really crowded. Within 4 hours we went back and forth across and around Munich and I also went. Munich likes me. Munich Sister = afternoon = Success! It's nice to have a big sister.

In Vienna, there was no sister. And Vienna is a lot bigger than Munich. So ≠ Vienna Munich. Vienna and its inhabitants are much less stuffy than expected and also not so unfriendly. It is also not as expensive, but I have all the trouble where to level this new knowledge by excessive spending, as already indicated in the last entry and not continue to run.

On the last night I finally tasted a glass of RED STORM, after an evening before a bottle of the so-called Uhudler storm had emptied 15/16teln to, which was tasty, but not in the least as good as the half as expensive Schilcher STURM, we had the day before tested extensively. Schilcher the storm was to our liking it better than the ordinary storm, with whom we had opened my stay in Vienna. So Schilcher = Best STORM STORM.

have also regularly as I storm, with the exception of the first In the evening, cake tested. For more details, saving I, instead, photos.

I've seen a lot, everything I liked, even going out for dinner at Schnitzelwirt. I am the coolest vegetarian, I know!


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